Are those hours at the gym not changing the reading on the scales?
Often when people start on an exercise routine they become acutely aware of every gram they do or do not lose. With weight loss programmes, it’s important to know whether your weight change is due to fat loss or muscle gain. Within minutes, a BIA reading will clearly show your percentages of fat mass and muscle mass. These readings are recorded and printed out so that you have an ongoing record of your progress.

How do the Monitors Work?
The user stands on four footplates on the platform of the scale and holds the hand electrodes .The monitor will then send a safe and undetectable low dual frequency electrical signal from the 8 hand and footplate electrodes through the body. The results of the resistance to the measurement (known as Bio-electrical Impedance Analysis or BIA) are then fed into advanced computer software within the monitor to provide accurate and personalised body composition readings.

The current model's Bio-Impedance measuring system and the inbuilt computer's calculation program is based on the result of over 50,000 client tests conducted in centres throughout Japan. Its accuracy is unsurpassed by any other currently available system. Our system is highly accurate - it is the only system on the market that has been independently tested in comparison to DEXA (dual-energy x-ray absorbiometry) which is generally considered the gold standard due to its reliability and precision. The BIA monitor was found to be within 4% of DEXA’s readings. This is a great result for our low cost and very convenient system.
Unlike other systems, they measure the weight of the patient, visceral fat and provide bone mass readings as well. Because the patient does not have to lie down, tests can be performed very quickly in whatever spot is convenient.
Check out the following copy of a front page print out of a Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis:

Measurements provided by the BIA system include:
- Hydration percent or total body water.
- Basal Metabolic Rate in kcalories and kjoules.
- Metabolic Age
- Bone Mass
- Cardiovascular and stroke Health Risk-according to waist:hip and weight:height ratios.
A full colour report together with detailed explanations is printed for the client.